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Crossed by ally condie free online

Two bowls rest on top of the altar-one filled with salt water from the ocean that envelops our city, one filled with dark dirt brought down from Above.īay and I wait in line with the other youth our age. The Minister stands at the altar, which is made of precious wood carved in an intricate pattern of straight lines and swirls, of waves that turn into trees. The colors of flower petals Above, of coral formations Below.

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The glass shines like a blessing-amber, green, blue, pink, purple.

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The temple’s largest and most beautiful window, the rose window, has been lit from behind to simulate the effect of sunlight through the panes. Statues of the gods adorn the walls and ceiling, and it seems as if they watch us, too. Dignitaries perch on their chairs in the gallery, watching, and people crowd the pews in the nave. My twin sister, Bay, and I pass underneath the brown-and-turquoise banners hanging from the ceiling of the temple. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their contents. Summary: “Rio has always dreamed of leaving the underwater city of Atlantia for life in the Above however, when her twin sister, Bay, makes an unexpected decision, Rio is left stranded below where she must find a way to unlock the secrets of the siren voice she has long hidden and save Atlantia from destruction”- Provided by publisher. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA

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New Zealand * India * South Africa * ChinaĬopyright © 2014 by Allyson Braithwaite Condie

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